Skimlinks Affiliate Marketing Network (ShareASale Alternative) 2022

 Friends if you want a new Affiliate network like ShareASale impact radius flex offers or commission   junction then you must read this article till the end hello and welcome friends welcome back to   another awesome article so friends today in this article i am going to tell you a new platform a   new affiliate marketing network like shareasale impact radius all right so that network.

Skimlinks Affiliate Marketing Network (ShareASale Alternative) 2022

 Will be   very very helpful for you if you are not getting approved by flight software's or ShareASale Alternative or impact okay so it is one of the biggest affiliate marketing network.

I will show you the traffic also   and i will also show you the content i mean the publishers and affiliates available on that   network okay so that platform is also very very good affiliate marketing network where multiple   affiliate programs are available so all you need to do is simply you have to join that particular   affiliate network and then you have to search for the best and hyping affiliate programs.

So that you too can earn a very good amount of money in affiliate marketing all right so if you want to   know that particular affiliate network then you shouldn't skip a single second of this article so all you need to do is first of all you have to search on google scheme links okay so as   soon as you search this.

 you have to click on the first website this game links so as you can see   over here it is in every marketing network open a new revenue stream from uh from your content okay   skin links athletes product links from our links from your e-commerce content automatically.

So you can link from your e-commerce content also okay so if i show the traffic just wait a second which is   just amazing as you can see it is almost 200 000 per month and it is a great okay that is great so   as you can see over here for publishers and for merchants.

So basically if you if you want to join   this network as an athlete as a publisher so here are two options bloggers and media publishers okay   so you have to go with this one bloggers okay so we will see both of these just wait a second let   me show you this so as you can see the largest commerce content.

Monetization platform which is   very good okay so if you are a blogger or if you have a website you too can join this particular   network and can start promoting this okay so as you can see on this afrin network there are   more than 60 000 publishers worldwide which means that 16 000 athletes have joined this network. ShareASale Alternative

 And   it is amazing my dear friends okay and along with this as you can see 48 48 500 merchants worldwide.

 Which means that there are 40 more than 48 000 brands available on this portable network   so as you can see at least it would be 48 500 affiliate programs for us to promote on our   website okay so this is the one of the biggest and great apple marketing network i should say   as well as as you can see 2.5 million dollar sales every day which means that they are saying that.

 On on their platform of gambling they are just generating 2.5 million sales every day   so you can make out how big this platform is okay connect to thousands of merchants instantly   which means that as you can see there are multiple offers including affiliate cpa cpc. ShareASale Alternative

Which means that cost per click also and cost per action also so this platform is perfect for you i   think so okay so it is a good platform so all you need to do is simply you have to come at the top   and as you can see for publishers so let me open all these i mean these both links okay.

 Commerce content is the future of a world less dependent on ads where publishers can monetize   good content okay so if i come this the moderation platform platform made for bloggers so this one   is for you because this one seems to seem something different as you can see commerce. ShareASale Alternative

   which is for e-commerce content okay so if you want you can try this but let me come over here   all right so as you can see over here the monetization applied from made for bloggers every   marketing is the number one source of revenue for bloggers as you know okay.

On average it accounts   for 40 percent of bloggers total revenue so as you can see ShareASale Alternative affiliate marketing is one of  the best way to monetize a blog okay so for doing affiliate marketing you must need a website hence you should make now okay you should make a website.

Today itself so as you can see over here first of   all you need to click on sign up it's free okay so you have to complete.

 The information which is very   very simple just believe me it will take hardly five minutes for us to do this sign up for us   game links publisher account gets skim links live on your site in minutes okay so first of all you   need to write your name email and then password and then after filling all these informations.

 You have to just click on this i agree and simply sign up now coming to the next step here they are   asking you your website domain and the company name okay which means your website name okay.

 Which side do you want to apply with first you can add more sites later which means that if you   have multiple websites which means if you want to promote with multiple websites you can even   do this later but first of all you need to write one of the website name over here now you need to   simply click on the get started button okay ShareASale Alternative.

Now we are on the third step but before that you need to   verify your email address so first of all you have to check your inbox and then verify your email so as you can see over here one of the i mean one of the most important work that you need to do.

 Over here is install the code on your website okay so as you can see at the top your account   is pending approval the review process can take up to two working days to complete a full uh full hub.

Access which will be activated pending after okay so as you can see here you will install the code   i mean install this particular JavaScript code on your website so all you need to do is first   of all you need to copy this code and then after copying this code you have to place this code in   in in your WordPress.

 Website you have to go in your WordPress dashboard and then you have to go in the theme editor okay and then after and then there you need to place this code before this tag ends before body tags and don't worry i will show you this okay.

 So as you can see uh your account   is under pending you will get notification within just two working days okay so install skip links   code amp article so it is not compulsory i don't think so okay so if you want to install this code   i must recommend that you.

Should install this code because i think so based on this only they will   approve your account okay so you have to install this code or you can just wait without installing .

 So coming on your WordPress dashboard you have to go in the appearance and you have to go in the   theme editor part all right because here from here we can just manage the coding of your WordPress   theme i mean WordPress website but don't worry this is not going to be very very technical.

 So as   you can see here you have to find the header.php it is this one so let me just copy this code   okay so as you can see you have to find the body type which is this one body   just wait a second here it would be okay so here the body tag starts from here so they are saying.

That you should place this code before body tags end so you have to come over here and you have to   scroll down and just paste this code over here okay just leave me paste this code over here   and then simply click on the update file.

Now after doing this you have to come back to your this   particular dashboard of skim links okay so here you don't need to do anything just close this step   okay because your application is under pending we have done this particular step.

 Because i   think so it may increase our it may increase the chances of our approval okay so if you   have website you should do this particular step because i think it will uh increase our chances    for the approval so this platform is also very very good okay.

 As you can see the performance   button basically these all are disabled now as you can see available once access has been approved   which means once your account has been approved.

 you will have full access to all these options   like merge sends performance toolbox payments okay.

 So all these all these options will be   visible once your account has been approved so all you need to do is simply you have to come on this which is amazing platform which is amazing ShareASale Alternative affiliate marketing network where multiple   offers are available like CPA cps and even cpc cost per click.

 okay so this particular platform is   going to be very very interested for you so you should join this so in this article this much only

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