Ultimate Guide Google Ads for Beginners 2022 | Zeeshan Ashraf Info

Google Ads for Beginners

Digital Marketing - Google Adwords,  Google AdWords is a marketplace where companies pay to have their website ranked right with the top organic search results, based on keywords

if you go to google and search for as an example best web hosting  you will see that google will show you some ads on top of the search results these are google search  ads today in this course we are going to learn how we can create these ads and see the power of  google ads in growing your business getting more traffic getting more conversions and much much  more you will learn all the core concepts of google ads and what's nice this course is based  on a live case study 

so we are going to create the campaign now together and i will show you my  running campaigns the traffic the data everything to give you the best value out of this course okay friends so simply go to ads.google.com and sign up signing up means simply having a gmail  account and signing up and then logging in to google ads. 

From Beginner to Pro: 21 Free Google Ads Tutorials

Ultimate Guide Google Ads for Beginners 2022 | Zeeshan Online

i don't want to waste your time now  with this i think it's super easy and we have millions of these about it on the internet so  i will sign in directly to google ads to focus on our main work so this is our main dashboard here  okay what you are going to do simply the first step is to set up billing because you are running  paid ads so you have to pay for your campaigns so go here to tools and settings section then go  to billing settings and you see the payment account you can select the payment methods and  add your payment method. 

you can see this is my master card here also if you have a coupon code  you can go to promotions section and add your coupon now let's go back and start our work so  the best way to learn i think is by applying and creating a campaign so click here on new  campaign you can start with website traffic usually we want traffic to our website then  in the campaign type we have search display shopping article discovery and so on our focus. 

now  is on search we want to run search ads then enter your business website as an example  each super tools and you need to enter the campaign name usually as a good practice to  name a campaign i use this formula the website or the target page like in my case h super tools  and then dash and i set the target countries or location let's say i want to target here the us so  i say the u.s and then i enter the campaign id as an example one or if you have a certain structure  like in my case i like to use the date okay so click continue and now we are ready to create  our campaign now what's nice that google updated the interface and really it made it super easy to  start so we have here the budget embedding you to enter the budget how much you want to spend per  day as an example. 

i will start with twenty dollars you can start with five two three ten whatever you  want so enter the number here but here is small note you have to know if you read this message  it says for the month you won't pay more than your daily budget times the average number of days in a  month so when you select twenty dollars it means that you will pay per month six hundred dollars  but per day google may spend more than twenty dollars or less than twenty dollars depending on  your campaign but in total what you spend is the average daily budget you can see the average not  exact average daily budget times number of days in a month which is 30 or 31 or 28 depending on  the month then.

we have the bidding section we'll talk about bidding in detail but in short always  start with manual cpc so simply click on select edit strategy and select manual cpc so we will set  everything manually uncheck this help increase convergence with enhanced cpc by the way whenever  you see a recommendation from google it looks like google wants to take some more money from you so  i prefer always set everything manually to set my cpc my bidding strategies everything manually. 

so  i can take control over everything in my campaign then we have the more settings section we have the  ad rotations and conversions if you have multiple ads in this campaign google will automatically  rotate it no it's not important let's close this and click on next now we have the campaign setting  the networks you can check search network and display network what we want to focus now is  only search ads so i will uncheck both and our target is google search ads then you need to enter  the location so in my example i will go here and search for united states and click here or you can  simply select a specific city or all countries whatever you want just select the location  and take care here we have this option the target it will say presence or interest. 

Google Ads training

so always if you  are targeting people inside this location check this people in or regularly in your  target locations okay then go here to languages you can add whatever language you want in our case  it's english and that's it click on more settings we have the start and date usually i keep it with  no ending except if you have a specific situation where you want to end the campaign in a specific  date maybe you're running advertising or maybe a sales campaign whatever usually i keep all  these settings as it is and then click on next here we have a dynamic search ad settings this  will help you if you have a website with a lot of categories as an example 

if you open amazon  you will see amazon has a lot of categories here a lot of things to promote a lot of products so  if you select dynamic search ads google will automatically read your website through the  indexed page inside google or you can give it maybe a site map or whatever you can see here  you can select the index or the url from the page feed or whatever and then google will read it and  automatically create the ads for you depending on the categories and whatever click on next now we  need to select the build but before we select the bid i want to talk about the bidding strategies  in a couple of minutes to understand what we are doing here what is manual cpc and so on if we go  now back to bidding section we will see we have target cpa target rois maximize clicks and 

so  on so in our case as i told you always start with manual cpc simply you set everything the bidding  how much you want to bid on every keyword nothing automatic will be done from google you will set  everything so let's start with manual cpc but if you click on this check box you will see  plus enhanced cpc so manual plus enhanced what is enhanced cpc it's like semi-autonomous 

you  set your biddings manually but you allow google to optimize your bids depending on your campaign  performance so you will set the biddings for every key with your campaign but google have the right  to optimize automatically in a certain range this range goes from minus 100 up to plus 30 so  if you bid on two dollars google has the right to increase this bid by 30 percent or decrease it two  hundred percent yeah which means zero dollars so this enhanced cpc as i told you always start with  manual later on you get when you collect some data.

when you have some campaigns running we can switch  to other bidding strategy then we have target cpa here what you are doing is telling google i  my cpa is like maybe 10 dollars so google will set the bids in a way to get the maximum conversions  maximum cpa with your bids so even if your click cost one thousand dollars if your target cpa  is fifteen hundred dollars you are still making money so it's okay whatever your bid is do you get  the point so google will optimize your biddings depending 

on your target cpa or cost per action  then we have target roas what is roas it's simply the return on advertisement spend i think you had  about roi return on investment so roi is simply how much is the income percentage based on the  overall cost so the formula is your total revenue minus the cost divided by the cost this is how  we get the roi why the roas which is return on ad spend only is simply the revenue divided by the ad  spend this is how you get this percentage so also you can tell google to set your bids depending  on your target return on ad spend then we have maximize clicks here you are telling google to  maximize your clicks you want traffic whatever your bid is 

How to use Google Ads for YouTube

How to use Google Ads for YouTube

this may be very costly if you are  running a campaign this may be helpful in some situations if you want to collect data you are  not looking for conversions you are not looking for specific things you just want to collect data  you want traffic to your website you want google to get all the traffic to your website without  setting a specific limit by maximizing your click cost but you can still set a limit here for your  bed let's say like ten dollars then google will raise your limit or raise your bed to ten dollars  as a maximum then we have maximize conversions google will optimize the bids increase the bids to  get the maximum number of conversion also we have maximized conversion value target impression sure  i think this somehow other scope so this bidding in general as 

i told you always start with manny  with cpc if you want to run your first campaign in google so let's go back to our search campaign  and we are now in the ad group section what is an ad group simply google ad campaigns is structured  in this way we have the campaign level inside the campaign we have add groups inside the ad groups  we have ads and keywords what are keywords we will see in a little bit so we are creating now our  first ad group in this campaign you can name it like whatever you want ad group maybe by category  if you have multiple categories in your campaign it depends or 

maybe on the target on the beds  on the keywords whatever you want you can categorize your ad groups i will name it now  as an example ad group one and here you can set a default bid on the ad group level also we can  sit a bit on the keyword level as you will see in a little bit anyway so we have now a default bid  i would say like here 0.5 for click here we have the keyword section the keywords 

is the core is  the heart of our camping so please focus very well to understand keywords and keywords match types so  let's go back here to google.com and if we search for something now let's say you want to search for  wordpress hosting as an example this keyword you will see now we have these ads on top of google so  all these services name cheap hostgator bluehost host advice all these 

services are bidding on  this keyword this is a keyword the search term that people are searching for so if you go here  to WordPress hosting ctrl c and then go here to tools section then to keywords then to keyword  planner open a new tab and let's see how much these servers are paying for these clicks i will  click here get search volume i would paste this keyword get started and you will see now let's  select united states you will see that WordPress hosting this keyword has like 10 000 monthly  average searches and it costs between 15 to 53 dollars per bid so these companies these services  are paying around 15 to 50 dollars per click you can see the cpc here is around nineteen dollars  

if you go here to aidsupertools.com my free seo digital marketing tool click on keyword research  paste the keyword search you will see now the cpc is around nineteen dollars if you go here  to united states search uses around 53 dollars the maximum here inside google keyword planner so  what's the idea here now you want your website to appear on top of google whenever someone searches  for a certain keyword for a specific keyword like in my case i want when someone searches for age  super tools to put my website on top of google as an ad so i get this keyword here 

and i put it  inside the keywords section here okay so now our main goal is to do some keyword research to find  the specific keywords to bid on to make google show ads whenever someone searches for these  keywords i think the idea is somehow simple now the big question is how to find keywords where to  find keywords where to get keyword ideas and how to pick the best keywords let's see together of  course we have both paid methods and free methods in this course i will stick with three methods so  inside the tools again we have the keyword planner open it 

and here google provides you with this  awesome tool to find and discover keywords click on this tool and select your destination here  location i will say like united states as an example and click on save then i need to enter  some keywords as an example i want to promote my website age super tools okay in this campaign so  this is about seo and digital marketing tools so for example i can say free 

seo tool free digital  marketing tool and so on enter click on get results and now google will get related keywords  now the first two keywords are the exact keywords you entered i have the average search volume and  the bid how much it will cost me the minimum and the maximum bid you can see here also it will give  you some other related or keyword ideas all these are keyword ideas with search 

volume and the bids  that you are going to pay for so your goal is to select some of these keywords always go between  10 to 15 to 20 keywords per ad group don't select one or two keywords go with 10 15 keywords at  least so google can collect more data understand what's going on what is the best keywords for you  also you can use other tool h super tools the swap site i'm promoting now 

go here to keyword  research tool and simply search for seo tools and now it will give you also some keyword ideas the  monthly volume and the cpc here so you can select them and add them to your campaign also you can  go to youtube keyword tool the same seo tools here this keyword will help you get some related  keyword ideas let's see how you can see we have now top free seo tools 

best seo tools for website  all these are keywords that people are searching for on the internet especially on youtube but the  idea is you can get these keywords and let's say click here on google again it will tell you this  keyword how much the cpc is and the related keywords for this search term and so on so  you can collect some data some keywords with the cpc and the search volume also 

you can use google  itself google.com go here and search for free seo tools enter and go down to the related searches  you can see some keyword ideas also you can use them and copy them and see the metrics for these  keywords in this way in my case i used google i used my free tool and google keyword ideas  and then i created this excel page or this google sheets page i selected those he was  like 13 keywords the minimum cpc i selected the search volume and the match type and the country  

and so on so what are the match types this is very important if you go back you search campaign  you will see we have the match type so if you keep it like this this is called abroad match so google  may also show ads on related keywords to this term if you put it between two square brackets  like this you are telling google that only show ads for this exact phrase match you can see exact  match 

if you want to learn more simply click on this link learn more read about the different  match types broad phrase exact and i will keep a small table and description below with examples to  understand the idea mode anyway so your goal now is to find a keyword list to add to your campaign  and whenever you add these keywords google will update your daily estimates so let's get these  keywords 

like this ctrl c and paste here and you will see now that google will show you the daily  styles it will tell you that with this average cpc you'll get only one click with these keywords so  you need to make sure to select some more keywords with more search volume per month you can get  more and more clicks then we have to create the ads this is the final url where you want to take  people when they click on the ad so in my case i want to take them to the main home page my home  page website maybe it's a landing page you create it maybe it's a funnel page maybe it's a specific  

product whatever enter your final url here they need to enter the headlines you can add up to 15  headlines always try to add more headlines in your ads and google will automatically rotate  them to see what's working for you and to help you understand which ads are working for you  headlines working with you so you have to enter some keywords here and some description and what's  nice here we have the ad strength you can see that google will tell you to add more headlines  view i it will show you some examples how you can add them as an example i will say best seo  tools like this 

you can add more headlines it will tell you also you can use these terms inside the  headline to get suggestions also you can include popular keywords view ideas here it will show you  a list of ideas to add to your headlines also uniqueness is important so you can read this  and start creating different headlines and google automatically rotate them and if you want to pin  one of these titles 

you can simply click on this pin and add it somewhere in your ad so as an  example this brand name will always appear in my ads with other ad headlines and this description  also you can add descriptions and your ads now writing ad copies requires maybe a full course  to understand the psychology how things work the psychology of keywords psychology of people and  how to get the best clicks 

the best conversions from your ads it's out of a scope now of this  course so after you create the ad you simply click on next to review your campaign now what i will do  is go back to my campaign to my running campaign to show you what's going on so to give you an idea  these are my campaigns you can see i have two campaigns here there's a draft one this is the  running campaigns i am paying around 43 dollars per day for these campaigns one is inside india  only and one is worldwide 

i am trying to compare results and see what's working better for me you  can see i paid till now like 200 dollars here i got 1 000 100 clicks i have 58 conversions  and so on if you click on this campaign you'll see i have this ad group inside this ad group i have  this list of keywords it will show you the match type it will show you the cpc how many clicks i  got from each keyword 

how much impressions the conversion rate the conversions everything about  each keyword you can understand what's working with you so you can optimize on specific keywords  or remove some keywords if they are not working with you and so on now one important thing to  understand is conversions to make google track conversions you have to set up conversion tracking  

so in the tool settings here go to conversions and in the conversions action here you need to add  a conversion as an example in my case i want to track conversions when someone sign up so you  select here sign up to my website name it whatever sign up h super tools i already did it 

you can  give it a value as an example on my website i will give 0.1 dollars as a value for this conversion  for the sign up so i can understand the value of my conversions depending on how much i am paying  for my ads since my website is totally free i have only the sign up option which is the conversion  so i can add whatever value i want depending on my audience on 

how i understand my audience how  understand the value of a sign up inside my website and so on also you can set the count  whatever create and continue then google will give you a small code that you can add inside your  website it depends if it's a WordPress website if it is your own website developed by the developer  the language whatever you put in the html tag inside your website 

you copy it like this and you  paste it and then google will start tracking your conversions okay and this is the event the signup  event you add to the sign up page or the signed up page so google can track everything now what i did  also is i duplicated the same campaigns inside Microsoft ads you can see the same two campaigns  are running here and i want to track and see the difference 

between google ads and Microsoft  ads the cost the clicks everything compared to the same keywords with the same settings  in the same locations if you want to follow up with me and see the difference between google ads  Microsoft ads and you want to see the more updates more articles 

about these stuff please  don't forget to like the article and subscribe and notifications to get every new update also what i  did is i duplicated almost the same campaign inside out to brain native advertising it's  somehow a different concept but i wanted to build this case study to see the difference between  google ads Microsoft ads the search ads concept and the native ads almost i said the same building  here inside auto brain and now i'm tracking my campaigns to see which is working perfectly for  me in my case and of course when i finish this case sadly i will share everything with you here  on my blog i hope you enjoyed this article.

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